Video: Learn about the ways Kline delivers and returns your fleet | | 816-554-3344

2014-06-23 3

What's the different ways Kline can provide a fleet to my organization? How do we return any vehicles that we're done with. Tucker Perkins answers these questions and more!
Kline Van & Specialty Rentals delivers fleet solutions in the contiguous United States with access to new vehicles from most makes and models foreign and domestic! With available tow packages (on request), nationwide free towing and free damage allowance, Kline can custom quote a price package for you! Kline is a long time business member of the ACA and meets all accreditation requirement for them. A friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you and offers on-time assurance! Have a piece of mind by working with an experienced and reputable company! Visit Kline today!

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